Bit of backlog in this post. Many things have happened since - bit of a #@&storm really - and we were busy with getting our lives back together. More about it in the next post. 😊
So, this is what happened about three weeks ago.

The wind forecasters said it will be windy so we moved camp to Broadwater Tourist Park to be closer to action.
This riverside area is called Runaway Bay. It stretches parallel to the ocean North-South and extends for kilometres. The small aits break the ocean swell, ensuring flat water regardless of the wind conditions. There are so many kite spots we wanted/or heard of it was as we had entered paradise. Our campsite is literally on the kite spot so all we had to do was to walk 30m from the caravan and pump up. Yay!!!

And then disaster struck. Or should I say disasters. Plural.
One. Our car started popping up an error from time to time and when it does it goes in limp mode. (insert swear word of choice). We’re looking for someone to check the computer and give us an idea of what it is. Most likely some sensor that doesn’t like us…LOL
Two. One of our kites was leaking air. And we figured it out when we were already on the beach, ready to go out. In hindsight, we had the same issue with another kite a little while back with another kite and serves us well for not checking others beforehand. So, we got to watch others have fun on the water without us. How grating.
Three. Someone took my twintip board off the beach, right behind my back. We were kiting, I came in as the wind was getting too strong for me and I left the board on the sand so I could land the kite first. I turned around and it was gone. What the … ?🤨 At this point we were … in a bit of a bad mood.
And then it started to rain. And it rained for two days. It felt like the Gods are having a UTI. It was raining every 15 minutes, for 5minutes,… and it was windy. Really bad weather for anything so we stayed cooped up in the caravan for the entire time. Then cabin fever struck.
And then it was another day….
The car hasn’t been fixed yet but at least it’s running for now. We have it booked in for repairs.
The board found its way back to me. The guy who took it was an elderly gentleman who thought someone lost it and took it with him in order to find its rightful owner. Later that day he finally spotted my name sticker and gave me a call. I was beside myself with joy. 😁🥳
The 7m kite was fixed. Thanks @MotiLevy for such quick turnaround! We had an awesome session yesterday and the world is spinning in the right direction again. Also, a massive shout out to the guys at #SurfFX for all your tips and letting us demo some of your gear.
Despite the mishaps and misfortunes, we love it here. There’s so many amazing kite spots and a fantastic kite community.
