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  • luckaslatner


We’re still at … you guessed it … Wescloud Lodge. Ha!

The C-19 restrictions have not yet fully lifted but the current development on that front is giving us hopes that we might be moving north soon. Some time this month. Maybe. LOL

I'll tip my hat off to my kids first. Despite all, they've been braver, maybe even more than we have, and sturdier in these uncertain times. Taking on the isolation and lack of peer company and boredom. Kudos girls, you're awesome! Mummy loves you!♥️ In the past week, some of the restrictions have loosened around the country, and we have renewed optimism about the outcome of our travel plans. Our fingers and toes are crossed that we might be moving camp as soon as next week. But if not, we'll take it in stride again.

We've been pretty well behaved up until now and we've coped well with the isolation. We have been counting our lucky stars that we've been on such an amazing property and truth be told, we didn't lack for anything save for an occasional kite session that is.

That doesn't mean it's been boring. Faaaaar from that. It would seem our family has a guardian angel with a wicked sense of humor. 🤭😂

It was my birthday this week and again, I was spoiled. There’s not much I have a want for these days. I got a zoom lens for my phone and I can’t wait to take some awesome shots with it. 📸

I always had a passion for photography and I think this is a good opportunity to devote more time to it.

The weekend promised some nice weather – sunny and windy – so we up an drove to Caloundra, about 60km drive north from our camp. We heard of two beaches worth investigating and we were keen to explore our surroundings now that we’re allowed to.

Arrived to Bulcock Beach first where the girls catapulted out of the car and headed straight to the fabulous playground whilst mum and dad checked out the beach. Plenty of wind, plenty of kites, plenty of fun to be had. The tide was turning so we wanted to check out Golden Beach, about 10mins drive away, that would be better at this time of day. We hopped in the car, turned the key and …. nothing. The car wouldn’t start. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️

I took the girls back to the playground whilst Seb used his persuasive language (swear words) to convince the car to start. Needless to say, it fell on deaf ears.

To make matters worse, a storm rolled in so the four of us huddled in the car and waited for the tow truck. What a calamity!

The girls thought it was a great adventure, and I couldn’t help but agree. It was all rather funny if you look at it.

But the icing on the cake was, that when we arrived back to the Lodge, the car miraculously started working again as if nothing happened. I thought my imprecations vocabulary was extent enough, but this time Seb added some new material. It was beyond funny. 😂

Had a good laugh and a beer and called it a day. 🤣🍻🤣

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