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These days are running so fast it would seem. It has been 5 weeks – give or take a day – since the lockdown here in Queensland. For now, we’re no worse for wear.

We had some adventures with the caravan. First, one of the girls managed to accidentally break the freezer door and it had to be replaced. Take away $120. Then the 240V wiring had a short somewhere and we called the electrician. Take away another $120. And then someone broke the screen on the iPad. Yep, another $110 gone. I’m afraid to turn on the lights now. LOL

In the meantime, Seb turned 44! Happy birthday!!! 🎂🥳

We now dare stretch our legs a bit more, so we went to Bribie Island, still social distancing, but with me taking off the leg brace it allows me to walk on the beach. Hobble really, but who cares?! I am elated.

We went to Red Beach and it was awesome. I went for a swim, which was great exercise for my feeble leg, and enjoyed the smell of sea salt in the air whilst I was reading my book. Ahhhh... Little pleasures of life. 🧘‍♀

The girls dug around the sand, found crabs, made sand castles for them and overall thoroughly enjoyed the day away from the farm.👧🦀🏰🏖

The C-19 restrictions are still in place, but the feeling is they will abate soon. People around us feel more relaxed thus I’m assuming they’re hoping for the same. We can’t wait for the restrictions to lift. The girls are missing peer company and we feel for them. As for me? I miss kiteboarding.☹️

A few days later the wind came up and we heard that there is another beach we would have to try on Bribie Island. This time it was near Buckleys Hole Conservation Park. A few kiters met us on the beach and Seb had a quick go with the big kite again. And I saw dugongs in the water! Such a treat! 😀🙌

When we came back we had another brilliant idea. We pitched the tent and made it into their playroom. Goodbye LEGO explosion! Why, oh why, didn't we think of this sooner?! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️


About Us


We are Windchasers, a kiteboarding family who travel around Australia to find new and exciting kite spots, we have two small kids that we like take to the beach with us. Juggling kite and family can sometimes be quite challenging so this is us reporting what we find and how good it was for both kids and us.

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