Not enough wind, so we did some fishing. Who would have thought, right? Us? Fishing? As it turns out, it’s not so bad after all. I love incorporating “the fishing trip” into our daily routine just so we’re not stuck at the caravan park for the whole day. Does anyone else do the same? Find an excuse to get out? This one works for us. For now.
Travelled from #JunabelMiniatures to Tannum Sands with our new friends #OzOurWay family. You know how you sometimes really connect with someone? Call it karma, same mindset, good chemistry or whatever. The kids were inseparable for the next few days and we had a blast.
For those couple of windy days we kited in the small inlet – no crocs there! – and as the wind died, focused our attention to fishing. I caught a “major” catch, in the form of a teenty tiny diamond fish but the pride was there. LOL
We did have a brief visitor in a form of a massive stingray, reticulate whipray to be precise with the wingspan of over a meter, but we were so awestruck that we fumbled around for a camera until it swam away. We hope to see this majestic creature again. Tidal inlets are typically full of them so our hopes are up.
It was end of November and Vanea’s birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY VANEA!! Can’t believe you’re 8 already! You are the kindest, most generous, altruistic, creative and inquisitive person we know. Please, don’t ever change.
It feels like days are passing by in a blur. It won’t be long and we’ll be celebrating Christmas. We’ve booked something in Gold Coast for the holiday season but we’ll try to squeeze as many kite adventures in between.
Went to Seventeen Seventy again, hoping for some wind but we got amazing sunsets instead. I think the trade was fair.
