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  • luckaslatner


When we talk about our adventures we don’t like to brag and drone on about how gorgeous a place is. Swooning and drooling is reserved for kitesurfing. No offence.

But this time I’m making an exception.

We’ve been in NT for a while now and after seeing so many gorgeous gorges it’s hard to pick a personal favourite but here it is. Edith Falls. There. I said it and I’m not taking it back.

Sure, we are kite deprived and it does not agree with our complexion but Edith Falls, just outside Katherine NT, had a fairytale feel that we could not resist. We swam in the clear waters under the waterfalls, went on hikes and enjoyed the views. The icing on the cake was the live music and delish pizza at the café. A winner all around.

On a separate note but still concerning marvels of Oz… On the road we saw one of the biggest MoFo wedge-tailed eagles ever. We shuddered in awe as it spread its wings and took off right in front of us. It looked like something that escaped from Asgard. What a glorious animal this is! They say it can carry away a kangaroo. Do I believe it? Yes I do.

We’re making the final run towards Darwin. We’re so deprived that I’m seriously considering kiting there. I need to feel the water under my twintip. Crocs be damned.

-To be continued-

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