OK. I may be bias, but this has been one of my favourite spots by faaaaaaar! Here’s why.
Intro. Bowen has two fantastic kite beaches. One in the city near the sailing club and the other at the mouth of the river Don. The great part of this is that depending on the wind direction, you can choose where to go and for most part, you’d be well taken care of. Both sites are shallow, sandy and offer flat water on outgoing tide. We’ll write the report on the Sailing Club beach too, for now, this is the Don river mouth.
The bay is big and shallow – knee deep, offering super flat water on the outgoing tide. Look for E-SE winds this time of the year and, as mentioned before, outgoing tide. NE winds during summer of course. Perfect for beginners and advanced riders alike, although only a narrow channel of deeper water is good for bigger jumps as you can easily hit the bottom in the bay.
Plenty of set up and launch space, and the convenience of a nearby carpark. The added bonus for our girls was the mouth of the river is a great fishing spot that our girls have taken on lately for some reason. It is also bit shielded from the wind and thus a bit more comfortable for the munchkins. No toilets or playgrounds but there is a great park with all of the above about a kilometre down the road.
There were no sharp shells to speak of although, in flat bays stingrays and mudcrabs are common so mind your step.
The only thing to look out for is … the crocs. Ha! Not kiddin’ actually.😳🐊
This is the mouth of the river and as with every north Queensland mouth of the river, one needs to be wary of potential croc hazard. Fact. There haven’t been many sightings here for a loooong time although that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t change at some point. Generally speaking, North Queensland is stunning however one could potentially deal with stingers and crocs and brushing up on basic prevention and treatment is never a bad idea.
So, why I liked this spot so much? I was out there on a perfect windy day, on the perfectly smooth, crystal clear flat water, all by myself on the bay, chasing the stingrays and octopuses away. What is not to love?!😍🤙
Check out the video here!👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eOF_X6Pmfg Google maps: https://goo.gl/maps/NMhSgThCjmnJ3a376