Moving south. From Port Douglas to Cairns. Lovely caravan park, Big4 Crystal Cascades, and again lots of kids. The girls grabbed their scooters and off they went.
We get asked a lot what we would leave behind, the bikes or the scooters. And it’s a hard one. The girls ride both, all the time. Around the caravan park or at the skate park. We get annoyed from time to time with packing them up but on the other hand, they’re getting used all the time so… what can we do?
With the girls out of the caravan, I jumped onto deep cleaning. You know, getting all the mattresses aired, wiping down the cupboards and cleaning the fridge kind of thing. I don’t know how often others manage to do it but I’ve learned that if you don’t do it often enough, you get “pets”. Ants, roaches, flies,… the lovely creatures.
It was getting hot though. Hot and humid. Even the swimming pool at the caravan park wasn’t cutting it. Off to the nearby gorges we went.