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  • luckaslatner

BOWEN AGAIN – week #37

We figured out that we have a rhythm! Kite-kite-rest, kite-kite-rest! We kite on two locations and then we go to one that offers some respite and recovery time. It works for us. We also think that the girls need that diversity. Feeding the same thing over and over can get boring and could prompt a rebellion, so this way it’s always something new, always something exciting.

Back to Blowin’ Bowen it is. We love Bowen! The town is maybe not as picturesque as some others albeit I do appreciate the murals. However, this is not the only thing Bowen is known for.


.. and the Mango Winds! The soil other conditions around this Bowen and Alva region are perfect for mango growing (among other things) and every spring the relentless winds pommel the area and the mango farmers are well used to them.

The effect on the flowering mango tree is important as many of the pea sized fruit blow off. If this didn’t happen the tree crop would overload the branches and cause them to break.

And that’s not the only thing that is amazing about Bowen. Great beaches, stunning views, plenty of fishing and hiking trails.

It’s the end of spring, the winds died so we tried fishing again. We still haven’t caught anything though. LOL

The highlight of the week was Lana's birthday! Turning 6! Goodness me, it does go very fast, doesn't it? Happy birthday precious girl! Keep driving us insane with your imagination, creativity, stubbornness and tons of cuddles. We wouldn't have it any other way.

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