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Some of you may have been wondering what happened to us. Did we fall off the face of the Earth? Were we eaten by sharks? Or worse, midgies?

Luckily, none of the above, although the midgies gave us a fight or two. We’re now equipped with ample amounts of insect repellents and antihistamines and ready to fight another day.

Anyhoo, the last report was that we were headed south and get to the other side of Australia in clockwise direction. That was just before New Year.

Believe it or not, we got as far as Gold Coast where we skidded to a halt, not daring to enter NSW for another cluster has arisen and lockdowns and travel-bans began looming over our heads.

We up and travelled back North. We found ourselves at Elliott Heads, QLD, and dropped anchor.

Those of you who follow our adventures know about Elliott Heads as it is in our view by faaaaar the best kitesurfing spot in QLD. Luck would have it that the wind season was perfect. And we took full advantage of it. (not apologising)

Two months we were living the life, working, kitesurfing and sending the girls to local school where they made heaps of friend. Bitter tears were shed when it was time to leave.

-To be continued-

Here are some snippets of our life in Elliott Heads.

Also, if you haven't seen it before, here is the link to our video about KiteLan - sign language for kitesurfing parents.

Aaand, some more insights about how I got nicknamed Slasher.

Elliott Heads from the ocean during high tide.

Common sight at Elliott Heads. Kites galore.

Awesome Kite Crew at Elliott Heads
Vanea ripping it on the buggy and trainer kite.
Baby turtle at Mon Repos, Turtle Sanctuary.

Yes, we've got girls! LOL

Early present for the big boy. Thanks North Kiteboarding Australia!

Girls on their first day at local Elliott Heads State School.

Me, pretty much every day at Elliott Heads. The life here ticks off lots of boxes,doesnt't it?

The Girl Gang. Amazing women of kitesurfing. Love you all.

This is how I earned the nickname Slasher.

Checking out the North kites. Love the whole array.

Getting ready at Kitesurfing Freestyle Competition at Maroochydore.
Windslasher Festival and State Kitesurfing Freestyle Competition. We pulled up a chair. :)

Reedin array. Still haven't checked them out. Will keep you posted when we do.
Freestyle competition and a great display of skills. Awesome.


About Us


We are Windchasers, a kiteboarding family who travel around Australia to find new and exciting kite spots, we have two small kids that we like take to the beach with us. Juggling kite and family can sometimes be quite challenging so this is us reporting what we find and how good it was for both kids and us.

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